Friday, April 24, 2009

Not sure what to call it...

Brief background story... there was this guy I had an interest in a couple months ago and my interest just dropped oneday. lol btw, he wasnt interested either... atleast I think he wasnt. Yet, I still get this urge to see how he is doing!?! and I actually message him or whatever just to know how he is doing... lol its so weird!!! Its like this force that wont leave me alone unless I make sure hes doing ok but, I dont have any particular feelings for him... get it?? lol I dont get it. I've never had a reason to worry about him or anything so its very odd to me that I get that urge to make sure he's ok... Maybe along the side of trust rehab, I also need anti-caring rehab... I need to learn to not let small things bother me... lol like I have OCD on making sure people are ok in general lol... My ex and I got into this huge arguement one time and didnt talk for a week... lol and I randomly called him to make sure he wuz ok... even though I was supposed to be mad. Thats the shit Im talking about, Why do I do those things?? Or like this other time, I was mad at one of my platonic friends and we didnt talk for a while but, oneday I didnt like something his away message said and I messaged him asking him if everything was ok with him... the list goes on and on and on. Why do I care so much about people? and how do I stop so I can prevent myself from looking like captain dumbass?? lol

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